This Unstoppable Force of Compassion

At the end of every year, starting around Giving Tuesday, we ask for your help. Okay, fine, we ask lots of other times, too, but I think we can all agree there’s definitely a focus on donations before the calendar flips. The point is, every year we ask, and every year you step up, and I really shouldn’t be surprised anymore, but I am. Maybe surprised isn’t the right word. Touched. Moved. Humbled. Inspired. Grateful.
You all are this unstoppable force of compassion – the 580 of you who made a gift and the 416 of you who volunteered your time in 2024. You are here whenever we need you so that we can be there for families whenever they need us.
Because of you, last month I saw parents picking out and wrapping gifts they knew their kids would love, just like I was doing for my own family. I saw people celebrating the holidays with the community they created together. I saw people at their lowest moments finding hope, and I saw people who remembered those low times reaching out to lift others up.
I can’t wait for you to see our new annual report, coming soon. You’ll learn about some of the 5,802 people we served, the 356,884 pounds of food that became dinner for hundreds of families, the 2,856 people who found their strength in domestic violence counseling, and the 213 people who walked through our shelter doors and found compassion and hope.
I’m not sharing these numbers to brag (well, maybe just a little, because our staff does amazing work). I’m sharing them because there’s joy behind each of these numbers, joy you’ve made possible, and joy is always best when we spread it around.
Look what you’ve done! Rejoice with us!
In solidarity,

David Chiles
PS: I bet all this joy makes you excited for the next time we ask for your help. Don’t worry, it won’t be long!
This story is part of Every Day at Lutheran Settlement House, a new series featuring stories from our Executive Director.
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